:Base Sandra.hlp 1 Contents 2 Main Contents=main_index 1 Main Topics 2 Foreword=foreword 2 Introduction=intro 2 The Sandra Program Interface=sandra_inter 2 Module List=module_list 2 Tips (Performance) List=tips_list 2 Command-Line Options=comm_line 2 Copyright=copyright 2 Technical Support and Points of Contact=support 2 Buy or Upgrade=HID_HELP_ORDER 2 Buy Merchandise=HID_HELP_ORDERCOOLSTUFF 2 Acknowledgements=HID_HELP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 Documents and Other Files 2 Compatibility Issues=doc_comp 2 Read Me!=doc_readme 2 License Details=doc_license 1 Q&A / FAQ=doc_qa 1 Glossary 2 Acronyms=acronym